Estimation and information handling in a heterogenous SoS​

The concept of SoS includes the heterogeneity and ad-hoc nature of the connected systems. The possibility of creating networks in just-in-time manner has big advantages over static ones. The dynamic network creation can both provide helpful information to the network or can ask for needed information from the network. This information exchange can facilitate improved estimation of the quantities of interest for different systems. In this kind of setting where several heterogenous systems are connecting and exchanging the information, it is important to define the level on which information is defined.

The question is then how to define the information that is exchanged between these systems, including the communication protocol, given the ad hoc nature of the connection. Are there some kind of common factors that define the content of the common information exchanged between the systems? Where would abstraction of the information be located? What are the feasible strategies for communication between different systems?



Zoran Sjanic

Zoran Sjanic

Adjunct Associate Professor

Linköping University